Tag: healthy lawn

Lawn Tip – Dont Mow to Low!

This is easiest way to ensure the health of your lawn through the summer. When in doubt, just raise the mower all the way to its tallest setting. You never want to cut more than about one-third of your grass in any single session. Yes, this does mean you’ll need to mow with a little more regularity, but don’t fret: the growth of your lawn will slow considerably as the temperature average goes up. By maintaining a tall lawn, you deter weed growth and allow the grass to root deeper into the soil.

We Love Dogs, Grass Does’nt

Unfortunately, many people walk their dogs on the first lawn that they can find. While this isn’t the dog’s fault, chemicals in their urine can cause the grass in the affected areas to die off. If you see a dog walker on your lawn, try to find out who they are and politely advise them that they are trespassing on private property and causing damage to your lawn. Let them know that they’ll receive a bill from you as a result of any repairs you need to make. Most accidental offenders will steer clear of your lawn in the future.