Thatch is a lawn condition caused by root and steam buildup. A Layer of thatch is a barrier to everything your lawn needs to be healthy: air, water, and nutrients. Several things can cause thatch–too much nitrogen, mowing to short, and shallow watering. Use a garden or thatch rake or power dethatcher to remove thatch if your lawn has a problem.
Punching holes in your lawn loosens soil, helps drainage, and promotes root growth. It also helps reduce thatch. Plan to aerate every few years in spring or fall.
Seed and Feed
Use a balanced fertilizer three times each year — early spring, late spring, and again in the fall. Lawn food contains nitrogen, which greens up lawns quickly. A slow-release product nourishes your lawn over time. Caution: Be sure to use a special starter fertilizer if applying over newly seeded areas.
Lawns become increasingly tolerant of drought and develop deeper root systems when they are watered deeply and less often. Aim for about 1 inch per week.
Whether you use a reel or a power mower, be sure to sharpen your blades once or twice a year to avoid shredding your grass. When you mow, cut a third of the grass height; as temperatures rise, raise the mower height.
Call Lego Services today at (814) 515-3115 to help get your lawn back on track! Free lawn care help is available!