Category: Lawn Care Tips

Organic Lawn Care – Corn Gluten

Corn Meal Fertilizer

Corn Meal Fertilizer

What is Corn Gluten?

One of the most important discoveries in organic lawn care has been the accident Corn Gluten. Discovered by mistake at Iowa State University researcher Nick Christians, has been a giant breakthrough. This organic product (made from Corn Gluten Meal) is a natural herbicide that has been patented and sold by many companies as an alternative to Weed and Feed products.

Corn Gluten Meal is a powdery byproduct of the corn milling process. Used for years as a supplement in hog feed, this natural protein is very effective for lawns and gardens as a plant food as well as a weed suppressor. Corn gluten meal products offer a non-toxic, yet effective alternative to traditional, chemical-based weed and feed products for weed control in gardens and lawns, paths and driveways.

As a plant food, corn gluten has a N-P-K ratio of 9-1-0, or 10-percent nitrogen by weight. As a weed suppressant, corn gluten acts as a natural “pre-emergent” – it inhibits seed germination by drying out a seed as soon as it cracks open to sprout. These qualities make corn gluten an ideal ‘weed n feed’ product.

Get Down to the Grass Facts – Altoona PA

Get Down To Grass Facts

Know Your Grass

If you are a new homeowner, you may know the brand of refrigerator in your kitchen or the square footage of your guest room, but chances are you don’t know the type of grass in your lawn. Depending on where you live, there are different types of turf available.

Generally speaking, northern states lawns are planted with cool-season grasses such as kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, or tall fescue. In southern states, you may have a yard of St. Augestine, Bermuda, centipede, or Zoysiagrass. Knowing the type of grass you have will help you to better care for it.

Grass Mowing Heights

St. Augestine: 2-4 Inches
Fine Fescue: 1-2 Inches
Tall Fescue: 2-3 Inches
Kentucky Bluegrass: 2-3 Inches
Rye: 1-2 Inches
Zoysiagrass: 1-2 Inches
Centipede: 1-2 Inches

If you have questions, leave a comment or give us a call at (814) 515-3115 or email us at for FREE help with how high you should be cutting!

Lawn Care Guide – Free Lawn Care Help!


Thatch is a lawn condition caused by root and steam buildup. A Layer of thatch is a barrier to everything your lawn needs to be healthy: air, water, and nutrients. Several things can cause thatch–too much nitrogen, mowing to short, and shallow watering. Use a garden or thatch rake or power dethatcher to remove thatch if your lawn has a problem.


Punching holes in your lawn loosens soil, helps drainage, and promotes root growth. It also helps reduce thatch. Plan to aerate every few years in spring or fall.

Seed and Feed

Use a balanced fertilizer three times each year — early spring, late spring, and again in the fall. Lawn food contains nitrogen, which greens up lawns quickly. A slow-release product nourishes your lawn over time. Caution: Be sure to use a special starter fertilizer if applying over newly seeded areas.


Lawns become increasingly tolerant of drought and develop deeper root systems when they are watered deeply and less often. Aim for about 1 inch per week.

Whether you use a reel or a power mower, be sure to sharpen your blades once or twice a year to avoid shredding your grass. When you mow, cut a third of the grass height; as temperatures rise, raise the mower height.

Call Lego Services today at (814) 515-3115 to help get your lawn back on track! Free lawn care help is available!

Stihl – Frys Power Equipment, Altoona PA

Springs coming, and with spring mean new projects around the house. Outdoor projects often require the use of power equipment. Whether you need to purchase equipment, rent, or higher a professional, we want to make sure you check for Stihl power equipment first!

Best Bang for the Buck
Stihl’s power equipment provides the best bang for the buck. I have tried other power tools from craftsman, Troy-Bilt, John Deere (do not get us wrong, we love John Deere mowers!), and many other brands. None of them compare to the reliability and power that you receive from Stihl. The Yard Boss can be transformed into an aerator, tiller, dethatcher, and even a high powered brush that is gentle enough to clean out flower beds. The BR600 Magnum remains unmatched when it comes to a backpack blower. It is strong enough to move snow with little problem, and it is not even the highest model available. And the weed whackers, forget bog downs. And we are not even going to get started on the chain saws!


Fry’s Power Equipment

After shopping around for outdoor power equipment, we here at Lego Services would like to give a personal recommendation for Fry’s Power Equipment.

Exceptional Service
Fry’s has exceptional knowledge on every single piece in the store. They have the answers from repairs to the simple how do I .. questions that might come up.

Warranties are honored, and most repairs are completed at the shop.

Family Business
At Fry’s you get the feeling that you are dealing with an old fashioned ma-and-pap operating. Friendly and Professional at the same time, with hands on demonstrations of how to properly handle the equipment – Fry’s makes sure that you are comfortable before your purchase. The equipment that we purchased even came with a full tank of gas!

Lego Services Sticks with Stihl Equipment!
Visit for a list of all services available and get that project completed, the right way.

Have you shopped at Fry’s in the past? Have a review, or want to add a comment to this post? Please do so below.

Dollar Spot Disease, Lawn Care

Lawn Disease, The Dollar Spot.

Dollar spot disease is a kind of lawn disease that kills and infects different kinds of grasses. This disease grows in distinct and small circles around the size of a small pancake or a silver dollar. It is easy to take the dollar spots lightly because they do not look dangerous but they can cause serious damage to the lawn.

Dollar spot disease survives during winter in the plant parts in the soil and thatch and it begins to start again as the temperature gets to sixty degrees. Aside from temperature, other factors that cause the disease include low fertility of nitrogen, low moisture in soil when humidity is high, too much mowing during hot climate, and too much thatch. A quality program is needed to provide the lawn proper mixture of fertilizers in order to prevent dollar spot. In addition, your lawn should be mowed or watered regularly.

Identifying Dollar Spot Disease

You can identify dollar spot disease in your lawn in two ways. The first way is through the size and shape of the area that is damaged. Usually, individual spots are very distinct and circular in shape, which are only a few inches in diameter. Another sign of dollar spot disease is the appearance of lesions on grasses. The disease can cause bands in hourglass shape across the grass blade, which is light tan in color with a reddish-brown edge. It can kill the entire grass and your lawn needs reseeding or renovation to control the disease.

How Do I Prevent, Or Get Rid Of Dollar Spot?

It is necessary to saturate your soil regularly because grass diseases including the dollar spot occur in soil with low moisture. However, make sure to avoid watering frequently during the late afternoons or evening. Use proper mixture of fertilizers in correcting the nitrogen fertility during the times of the disease activity.

You can apply treatments such as fungicide in getting rid of dollar spot disease. However, fungicide is not required in residential lawns if the levels of nitrogen fertility are managed properly and other cultural stresses are lessened. Dollar spot disease has different degrees of fungicide tolerance and there are some strains of dollar spot that have become resistant to fungicide, so a particular fungicide may be effective to one disease but not to another. In addition, the use of fungicides can increase disease and insect problems in the future because they can affect the soil organisms such as microbes and earthworms, which help in the decomposition of thatch. In addition, earthworms and other soil organisms improve the health of the grass and help aerate the soil.

You need to have a balanced nitrogen fertility program to control the disease because dollar spot disease is known to be most severe on nitrogen-deficient soil. With a balanced nitrogen soil, the outbreak of the disease will be delayed in the spring and the severity of outbreaks will be reduced. In addition, the performance of fungicide will improve and the recovery of turf will be faster.

Proper scheduling of irrigation is necessary to control dollar spot disease. This is due to how fast the period of dew is relative to the infection extent, so the prolonged practice of irrigation will greatly contribute to the outbreaks of the disease.