Tag: lawn tip

Recycles Newspaper for Mulch

Mulch is a layer of organic or synthetic material that will suppress weeds. 

If you subscribe to any newspapers, you can use your piles of old newspapers to block weeds from growing on your lawn. Start by placing 2 to 6 sheets of newspapers on the soil around your lawn plants. Add a 1-inch layer of grass clippings on top and cover it with soil.

Using newspapers for Mulch has been proven to be very effective, and it’s also good for the environment because you are recycling

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Regular fertilization throughout the year is necessary to maintain a healthy lawn.

The number of applications of fertilization needed will vary from location to location and will also depend on the type of grass and soil conditions.

fertilization  throughout the year will help your lawn to replenish nutrients and color depleted during the winter, reduce stress caused by drought and heat and develop strong healthy grass roots that survive from year to year.

Say no to Pesticides

Caring for your lawn without synthetic chemicals is easy and doesn’t have to be costly. You’ll be pleased with the results, especially if you aren’t in a big hurry to achieve that “golf course” look, or if you enjoy the pleasant naturalized color and texture variation that comes with a healthy mixture of plants.

Lawn Tip – Dont Mow to Low!

This is easiest way to ensure the health of your lawn through the summer. When in doubt, just raise the mower all the way to its tallest setting. You never want to cut more than about one-third of your grass in any single session. Yes, this does mean you’ll need to mow with a little more regularity, but don’t fret: the growth of your lawn will slow considerably as the temperature average goes up. By maintaining a tall lawn, you deter weed growth and allow the grass to root deeper into the soil.